I arrived in New Zealand on October 2 after 40 hours of traveling! The Lord provided a series of safe flights and before I knew it I was here. Thank you to everyone who was praying, the prayers paid off!
It is still very much winter here, so it took a little while to adjust (I've learned how to keep a fire going for the house, and many other ways to keep warm), and I'm feeling well now and excited about getting to work. I will get some photos up as soon as it is warm enough to go out and take some :)
Everything is moving fast down here! I have met so many wonderful people, including many of the teens from St. Thomas More. The two youth groups are set up for the high school (which they call college) and middle school (which is called intermediate). I have already been able to help with singing for Mass (two days after I arrived!), spent some time in the office helping with youth group preparation for this term, and we will be going around to all of the high schools in the diocese over the next two weeks speaking to the youth about the conference! Please pray that the student's hearts are open to the idea of the conference and that they all sign up right :) We are working out details and the plans for the conference are all coming together. The conference is truly going to be an amazing experience for the youth.
Also, please keep the mission in your prayers, for the teens hearts, the youth leaders health, and for St. Thomas More as it makes all of this possible in New Zealand.
Know of my prayers for all of you! Your intentions have come with me all the way over here and I am praying for you daily. Especially the youth group at St. Thomas a' Becket - Keep being Hardcore for Christ! Thank you all so much for your love and support.
In Christ,