Monday, November 2, 2009

"I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

My dear family and friends,
Thank you so much for your patience with the blogs. For those of you who do not know, I lost my brother on October 16. Timothy Francis was nineteen years old and fell asleep at the wheel on his way home from work. He had such a beautiful heart, with which he loved everyone he knew. Timothy had such a simple way of loving God, he simply lived for Him everyday, and I hope that one day the same could be said for me. I know he was proud of my desire to do mission work, and I am happy to helping here now even more with that knowledge. Please remember him in your prayers, especially this month in which Catholics remember all the souls who have gone before us. I've added a photo, so that you have a face to go with his name. My little sister, Tori, is with him in the photo.

I was only in New Zealand a little over two weeks when I got the call from my sister. Three days later a got another call from relatives who got together and wanted to fly me home to spend a couple days with my family. I flew back to the states for a week and am now back in New Zealand. It was wonderful being with my family during this hard time. I do not know how to thank everyone enough. To the friends and family who were there for me, prayed for me and my family, sent cards, or called, please know that I will never forget your compassion and kindness. Thank you for everything.

I am getting readjusted here quickly, and am glad to be back serving again. Please keep the prayers coming, for I need them now more than ever. The conference planning will be getting back on track now, the youth groups are both going wonderful and I am very much enjoying helping out (I'm giving a talk on Our Lady this weekend!), there is a girls group that is studying Theology of the Body, and lots of other little projects are getting started! I'm being blessed to help out also with a young adult night this month, for those of you in that age range you know how important those are, so please pray extra hard that it is an awesome night!

Please pray for the high school kids that have now been told about the Catholic Youth Conference (since we have spoken at all of the schools now), that they are open to the Lord's call for the one's that are supposed to attend. That they would have the courage, even if they're friends aren't coming, to come!

Thank you so much, everyone. Know of my prayers and my love.

In Jesus' Heart and Under Mary's Mantle,